Dec 8, 2016 | Education, News
Teachers of Promise awarded Miller and Wilson
Each semester, two graduating Baker University students are presented with the Teachers of Promise award from the School of Education. Jordan Miller of Ozawkie, Kansas, and Layne Wilson of Independence, Kansas, were selected as the fall honorees. The award recognizes the accomplishments of aspiring educators.
Wilson will return home to Independence after graduating in December to teach fifth-grade language arts and social studies. She is humbled by the honor and feels well prepared to begin her teaching career.
“The School of Education is invested in our ability to be confident and competent in the classroom,” Wilson said. “The professors use real-world examples and connections to make our learning meaningful and authentic. We have endless opportunities for growth and learning in a variety of educational environments, helping us to become well-rounded and ready for the challenges that lie ahead as first-year teachers.”
Miller also feels humbled by the award. She is excited to start her job as a junior high math teacher in Oskaloosa, Kansas, in January.
“Baker prepared me by giving me the tools I need to be a successful educator,” Miller said. “I’ve always wanted to teach and have had the passion; however, Baker provided me with the skills and knowledge I need to maximize my passion for teaching in order to be effective as an educator.”
On November 19, Wilson and Miller attended the Kansas Teacher of the Year conference in Wichita, where they were surrounded by exceptional educators and interacted with teachers from around the state. The experience inspired Wilson, who said she was “blown away” by the event.
“I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to attend this function and learn so much about what it means to be an outstanding educator,” Wilson said.