Two students walking on campus

Residential Campus

Student Senate

The Baker University Student Senate represents all undergraduate students on the Baldwin City campus and serves as a liaison between them and the university administration. The senate also strives to provide students with a forum for communication within the student community.


Office of Student Affairs

Macy Warburton

Executive Director of Student Affairs

Long Student Center 200

Your Campus, Your Call

Each class elects five members to the student senate. Senior, junior, and sophomore elections are held each spring. Freshmen elections are held shortly after the beginning of the school year. Five executive officers are elected each year.

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Officer & Senate Application

2024-2025 Student Senate Executive Board

Student Body President
Jeffrey Moore

  • Schedules and oversees senate meetings
  • Serves as chief liaison and advocate of the student body to faculty and administration
  • Attends meetings of the University Board of Trustees, Faculty Senate, and Administrative Council
  • Submits annual report on student and campus issues to faculty, administration, and students
  • Must have served previously in the Student Senate

Student Body Vice President
Sebastian Cordova

  • Serves in the president’s capacity when the president is unable to do so
  • Serves as parliamentarian of the senate
  • Maintains contact with other colleges and universities
  • Oversees delegates to all committees
  • Serves as executive liaison to community

Student Body Secretary
Madison Stirton

  • Keeps and makes available records of all senate meetings
  • Keeps minutes and distributes them to the Baker Orange and all interested faculty, staff, and senators
  • Keeps attendance records
  • Compiles agenda for all meetings
  • Serves as executive liaison to elections and activities

Student Body Treasurer
Olivia Morgan

  • Establishes budget
  • Keeps accurate records of senate accounts
  • Advises the president on all financial matters
  • Ensures that all financial transactions are properly completed
  • Serves as executive liaison to internal affairs

Student Body Public Relations
Meg Qualls

  • Keeps calendar of all upcoming events
  • Serves as chair of the public relations standing committee
  • Maintains communication with the student body

2024-2025 Class Officers

Senior Class
President | Rachel Sterner
Senators | Zachary Bejarano, Kristi Chambers, Gracie Childs, Reagan Sterner

Junior Class
Senators | Donald Chambers, Julie Coffey, Ryanne Ham, Samantha Slife, Madylin Woolfolk

Sophomore Class
Senators | Kylee Carlson, Darby Hauff, Natalie Kennedy, Isabella MacPhearson, Eli’Sha Malveaux

Freshman Class
Election will be held in the fall.