The Future of HR is SHRM–Certified
Establish yourself as a globally–recognized human resource expert by earning the new standard in HR certification: SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP®) and SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP®). These professional certifications can open doors for professional advancement, serve to harmonize standards with changing expectations and signal to employers advanced professional development.
Ensure you're prepared with our course designed for SHRM credential candidates. Expand and test your knowledge and practical, real-life competencies in areas critical for HR career success.
This intensive three month program combines expert instruction with the 2016 SHRM Learning System® for SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP, so you will learn faster, retain more knowledge and stay on track for success on the exam.
Why Enroll in Our Course?
Offered in partnership with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the curriculum provided in the 2016 SHRM Learning System is designed by global subject matter experts and covers the entire SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge™ (SHRM BoCK™). Throughout the program HR professionals are encouraged to acquire the Competencies and Knowledge they'll need to effectively perform their jobs and achieve career success. Our course is designed to help you learn and retain the material effectively and efficiently by combining the best exam preparation system with expert instruction and peer discussion.
Baker University's program offers you a preparation course to help meet your needs and increase your success on the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams.
Benefits To You
You'll benefit from:
- An experienced, SHRM-certified instructor.
- The SHRM Learning System, historically ranked the #1 HR certification prep tool.
- Ability to acquire the knowledge and understand the behavioral competencies to help you prepare for the exam.
- A structured learning experience that keeps you on track.
- Opportunities to network and learn from your peers.
Benefits To Your Employer
Certification benefits your entire organization:
- It demonstrates that your HR professionals have mastered the application of HR technical and behavioral competencies.
- Certification prepares your HR staff to assume greater leadership roles and contribute to the strategic direction of your organization.
- Exam preparation helps HR professionals bring new ideas to your organization that will help drive success.
- It helps create a common HR language that optimizes consistency and effectiveness.
- Certification is relevant worldwide, as exams cover the new global SHRM BoCK™.
Who Should Enroll in Our Course?
Our certification preparation course is designed primarily for individuals seeking SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification. Certification is a great choice for HR professionals who want to:
- Increase their knowledge
- Advance their skills
- Earn recognition from the global community
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