Oct 13, 2015 | Awards, News
Sammons earns Student Leader of the Month

BALDWIN CITY, KAN. — MacKenzie Sammons, a senior from Wellsville, Kansas, was named the Baker University Student Leader of the Month for September.
Sammons is active in several groups and activities at Baker, most notably in the theatre department. In addition to appearances in numerous productions on the Rice Auditorium stage, Sammons was also a member of the five-person team that won the Stagecraft Spirit Trophy and the Stagecraft Showdown championship at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Region 5 competition in January.
Through her work on the Baldwin City campus, Sammons also earned a selection to serve as a production assistant at the National Association for Campus Activities Center Conference Showcase from Oct. 15-18 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Sammons’ nominator for Student Leader of the Month stated the following:
“MacKenzie clearly values the experiences she has in the Music and Theatre Department at BU. She is committed to supporting students and instructors, making certain that materials are organized and prepared on time. A self-starter, MacKenzie is always working to improve efficiency. She stays after every rehearsal, never departing without asking, ‘Is there anything I can do for you?’ When it’s time for performances and the unexpected happens, MacKenzie takes matters in hand, always reassuring others with, ‘I’ve got this.’ In addition, she brings energy and joy to each rehearsal or work session. She is compassionate when her peers are stressed or struggling. In this, her senior year, it seems appropriate to recognize the leadership MacKenzie has so willingly provided for our department throughout her time at Baker University.”