Cara Bonfiglio
Student Admissions & Progressions Coordinator
School of Nursing - BSN Program
BSN Preenrollment Requirements
Once you have been accepted to the nursing program, submit the following materials to the student admissions and progressions coordinator at the School of Nursing before enrollment:
- The following health requirements:
- Report of a physical examination
- Negative TB skin test within one year or a negative chest x-ray within the previous three years
- A positive rubella titer
- Documentation of Hepatitis B vaccination series
- Current Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) immunization
- Completed background check
- Proof of Basic Life Support (BLS) certification for health care professionals (“Professional Rescuer” from the Red Cross or “Health Care Provider” from the American Heart Association). This proof must be resubmitted annually.
- Proof of health insurance. This proof must be resubmitted annually.
- Final prerequisite transcript
Enrollment will take place the week before school starts and is mandatory unless other arrangements have been made with the student admissions and progressions coordinator. The student admissions and progressions coordinator will enroll you in all your classes for the first semester.
The schedule for first-semester students will include theory classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and labs, and clinicals on Thursday and Friday. If possible it is best not to work the first semester, especially during the first five weeks unless absolutely necessary. Plan to be at school from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. every weekday. The schedule does vary from day to day.
You may purchase your books and Baker shirts, sweatshirts, and other items through the Baker Bookstore. The book list will be provided before enrollment and orientation.
You will be informed about scrubs and lab coats during orientation.