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Oct 4, 2017 | Business, EdD, Education, MBA, News, SOE Grad

New online Doctor of Education degree offered

Businesswoman with glasses and text about our IDPT program. People in background.

Baker University has launched an online Doctor of Education in Instructional Design and Performance Technology (IDPT) degree, the only doctoral program of its kind in the region. The first cohort of this online program is scheduled to begin spring of 2018.

The EdD in IDPT program prepares professionals in a variety of organizations who want to improve the performance and education of employees and learners through instructional design and performance technology, particularly in the field of online learning and training.

Based on competencies from the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction, Baker developed the curriculum with input from an advisory panel with a wide range of backgrounds, including company presidents and CEOs, instructional design professionals, performance improvement consultants, project managers, multimedia learning specialists, e-learning developers, software engineers, and scholars in the field.

The Baker EdD in IDPT program is distinctive in that it unites instructional design and technology (the design, development, use, management, and evaluation of learning) with human performance technology (the systematic approach to improving individual and organizational performance).

“By combining these two fields into a doctoral degree, candidates will come away with the knowledge and unique set of skills necessary to lead and direct the future training and performance needs of their organizations in the corporate, military, health care, and government sectors and in PK-12 education and higher education,” said Dr. Marc Childress, dean of the Baker University School of Education.

Dr. Childress added, “I look forward to launching our first cohort and guiding candidates as they work toward the completion of their course work and ultimately their dissertation.”

For more information, visit


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