Sep 7, 2016 | Awards, News
Lutz named Student Leader of the Month

Once she arrived on campus, it took Madison Lutz no time to become involved at Baker University. Through a combination of participation in athletics, Greek life and campus organizations, as well as actively seeking out leadership opportunities, Lutz, a sophomore, has earned Baker’s Student Leader of the Month recognition.
A graduate of Lee’s Summit West High School, Lutz became president of Baker Serves as a freshman. One of Lutz’s nominators for Student Leader of the Month praised her achievements with the community service organization:
“Madison has confidently spoken to numerous student groups about events happening in Baker Serves, and she is willing to get out of her comfort zone to support Baker Serves. She is confident and articulate in making sure students know when the events are, how they should prepare for the events, and what outcome they should expect after participating. Lastly, she has held herself responsible for being present, both mentally and physically, at all Baker Serves functions, and she acts as a positive role model to new members looking to get involved in the organization.”
Lutz is an elementary education major, a member of Baker’s dance team and a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority.
One of Lutz’s other nominators stated: “Madison has the biggest heart for helping anyone and everyone around her. She has not only sought out ways to better her academics, she is searching for ways to better herself as a human being. Her worth on this campus will grow and grow over the next three years. However, the impact she had in only her first year is incalculable. She will be the best asset Baker has to offer very, very soon.”