Oct 19, 2016 | Alumni, News
Faculty of Distinction awarded to business professor
Baker University Professor of Business and Economics Kevin McCarthy is one of 19 college faculty members to receive a Kansas Independent College Association’s Faculty of Distinction award. McCarthy and the other honorees were recognized at a workshop and award reception on Oct. 13 at the Flint Hills Discovery Center in Manhattan, Kansas.
The KICA Faculty of Distinction program celebrates excellence and achievement among faculty at the 19 accredited private colleges and universities in Kansas. Throughout their existence, these colleges, which include the oldest colleges in Kansas, have emphasized the importance of classroom teaching, personal attention to each and every student, and a commitment to character, values, and learning through every facet of their graduates’ lives.
“At Kansas’ independent colleges, we know that our most important job by far is to provide a vibrant, relevant, high-quality education to each and every student that enters our doors. These 19 individuals are shining examples of that commitment to the future of our students and the rare value that Kansas’ private, nonprofit colleges offer,” said Matt Lindsey, KICA president.
While this year’s honorees are just a small fraction of the 3,600 teaching faculty across the KICA network, they have a mighty impact. As a cohort, they have received 16 additional academic awards and seven professional awards, are involved with 11 statewide initiatives and six national programs, and have been instrumental in bringing millions of dollars in grant monies to Kansas.
McCarthy’s honor marks the third consecutive year a Baker faculty member has been named a KICA Faculty of Distinction honoree. Professor of Business and Economics Alan Grant was recognized last year, and Assistant Professor of English Marti Mihalyi was recognized in the award’s inaugural program in 2014.
Located in Topeka, the Kansas Independent College Association develops and enhances the competitive standing of its 19 member independent, nonprofit, regionally accredited, degree-granting colleges and universities and strives to assure opportunity and choice in higher education for all students. KICA was founded in 1976 and is a 501 (c) (4) not-for-profit Kansas corporation.