Gaming in the Classroom - Baker University Gaming in the Classroom - Baker University

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Gaming in the Classroom

Monday, February 17 - Sunday, April 6

This comprehensive course is designed for teachers who want to level up their instructional methods to motivate and engage students effectively through game-based learning. Educators will be introduced to a variety of game-based learning platforms such as Blooket, Gimkit, Kahoot, and more, that can be customized to meet their specific learning objectives. Designed for teachers at all levels and subject areas, participants will gain hands-on experience in utilizing these platforms. Whether you use game-based learning for assessment, practice, instruction, or review, participants will learn best practices and strategies to leverage these platforms effectively in their own classroom settings. Join us in this empowering course and unlock the potential of game-based learning platforms to create an engaging and motivating learning environment for your students. Let the power of gamification take your teaching to new heights!


Monday, February 17
Sunday, April 6
Event Category:




Course Code
Class Duration
February 17 - April 6, 2025
Credit Hours
Tuition & Tech Fee
Andrew Chapple
Required Textbook/Materials
Laptop/Desktop computer with microphone and webcam
Start Date
February 17, 2025
Course Subject
Educational Technology, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Teaching Strategies, Special Education, DEI
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