Compliance Statement
Ethics & Honesty
Baker University has an obligation and commitment to conduct business legally and ethically.
In keeping with this obligation, employees are expected to conduct themselves ethically and honestly. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of every employee to report illegal, unethical or improper activities.
Should you need to report a situation that may conflict with this statement, you are encouraged to speak with your supervisor, an appropriate management representative or Human Resources.
Anonymous Reporting Help Line
You may make an anonymous report by contacting the University’s anonymous reporting line online. or at 866.879.0422.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
It is the policy of Baker University to afford equal opportunity for all persons.
As such, the university will not discriminate based on an individual’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, marital status, or other status protected by law, in admission to or employment in its education programs or activities.
See full notice of nondiscrimination below.
Notice of Accommodation
Baker University is committed to providing “reasonable accommodations” in keeping with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disability Act of 1992.
See full notice of accommodation below.
Full Notice of Nondiscrimination
Full Notice of Accommodation
Prohibited Harassment Policy
The university is committed to creating a culture of respect and providing an environment that values diversity and emphasizes the dignity and worth of every individual. As part of that commitment, the university strives to provide an educational and working environment that is free from harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, religion, age, marital status, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected by law. Harassment in any form is prohibited and incidents of harassment are met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or expulsion from the University.
What constitutes prohibited sexual harassment?
What are examples of prohibited sexual harassment?
What constitutes prohibited harassment based on race and/or other legally protected status?
Examples of Racial and/or Other Harassment
How do I report violations of this policy?
What are the disciplinary consequences for violation of harassment policy?
State and Federal Reporting of Sexual, Racial, and Other Harassment
Grievance Procedure
Procedure for an Employee Initiating a Complaint
Procedure for a Student Initiating a Complaint
Procedure for Appeal
Complaint Procedure for Online Students Outside Kansas
Student Complaint Process
Concerns and complaints about any function of the university are ordinarily handled through the normal administrative chain. In accordance with the Higher Learning Commission Policy FDCR.A.10.030, Baker University has established a student complaint process.
Nonacademic Grievance Procedure
The following is the procedure for resolving complaints of alleged violations of equal employment opportunity, sexual harassment, racial harassment, other harassment, and reasonable accommodation policies
The university prohibits discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, religion, age, marital status, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected by law. This procedure should be used to report alleged violations of the University’s equal employment opportunity, harassment (including racial and sexual harassment), and reasonable accommodation policies.
Procedure for an Employee Initiating a Complaint
Procedure for a Student Initiating a Complaint
Procedure for Appeal
Title IX
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Relationship & Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, & Stalking (Title IX)
Sexual misconduct and assault, including rape, are violations of Baker University’s Standards of Conduct for Students and its sexual harassment policy as well as violations of the Kansas Penal Code. Members of the university community, guests and visitors have the right to be free from sexual violence. All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others.
When accused students are found to have violated this policy, serious sanctions will be imposed. This policy is intended to define community expectations and to establish a mechanism for determining when those expectations have been violated. The sexual orientation and/or gender identity of individuals engaging in sexual activity is not relevant to allegations under this policy.
While a number of laws and regulations mandate how universities handle allegations of sexual misconduct and assault, it is impossible to set forth every scenario that could be a violation of this policy. Ultimately, the university has the discretion to determine whether or not the policy has been violated and impose appropriate sanctions for infractions.
For information on policies and procedures, such as filing a complaint, please view Baker University’s Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Stalking and Retaliation Policy (Title IX, Title 9).
Title IX Coordinator
Nicholas Goodman, Assistant Dean of Students
785.594.4792 (direct work line)
Denious Hall, Room 306
Jeanne Clery Crime Reporting
Campus Security Reports
In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and recent congressional Higher Education Amendments, the following statistics are provided for your information. Each institution of higher learning is required annually to prepare a Uniform Campus Crime Report (UCCR), consistent with the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) System. The report is to reflect the crime statistics on the property of the institution for the preceding year
In compliance with the federal Clery Act, Baker University publishes an annual security report.
Violence Against Women Act
Under the leadership of then-Senator Joe Biden, Congress recognized the severity of violence
against women and our need for a national strategy with the enactment of the Violence
Against Women Act in 1994. This landmark federal legislation’s comprehensive approach to
violence against women combined tough new provisions to hold offenders accountable with
programs to provide services for the victims of such violence.
Registered Sex Offenders
In compliance with the Higher Education Act of 2002, information regarding registered sex offenders near campus may be obtained from the Baldwin City Police Department or State of Kansas or National Sex Offender Registry web links listed below. A Federal law, the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offenders Registration Act (the “Wetterling Act”), provides minimum national standards for state sex offender registration and community notification programs. This guidance concerns an amendment to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, enacted by the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (CSPCA), which is § 1601 of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-386).
Fire Safety Report | Baldwin City Campus
The Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act (s. 354) was passed in the United States Senate (July 2007). This act requires all college/university campuses nationwide to make public their fire safety information and statistics and all fire-related events to students and their families. This public disclosure is intended to inform current and prospective students of the fire safety programs and policies in place at Baker University and the institution’s state of readiness to detect and respond appropriately to fire-related emergencies.
Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Policy
Baker University is committed to providing “reasonable accommodations” in keeping with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disability Act of 1992. Students must provide appropriate documentation of the disability, which should include appropriate diagnostic testing and a recommendation form prepared by qualified personnel outside of Baker University. “Reasonable accommodations” will be determined by university staff in consultation with the student, faculty, and/or staff member. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Full Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Policy
Who can I contact about the ADA policy?
FERPA Statement
Baker University maintains compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 as amended. FERPA defines educational requirements, which are designed to protect the privacy of students concerning their records maintained by Baker University.
Full FERPA Statement
Release of Directory Information
Professional Licensure Requirements
Education and Nursing Programs
The Department of Education has mandated in Federal Regulations 34 CFR 668.43 (a)(5)(v) that each institution inform students whether their program curriculum, both distance education programs and face-to-face programs, meet the state requirements for each program that leads to licensure or certification. Baker University supports two areas in which students may apply for licensure following graduation: education and nursing.
All programs that lead to licensure at Baker University prepare the students for licensure in the state of Kansas. However, which professions are required to be licensed and how licensure functions varies by state, so we have researched the requirements in all other states and US territories and have to the best of our ability made a determination on whether our programs meet these state and territorial requirements. Please note that many states require continuing education by practitioners.
Baker University is a member of NC-SARA; however, NC-SARA membership does not grant reciprocity or exempt us from state professional licensing requirements. As a result, licensing requirements in Kansas may not be recognized as sufficient to obtain a license in any other state.
Nursing majors: View further information about nursing licensure in other states.
Education majors: View further information about teacher licensure in other states.
Baker University shall not be held liable if the student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum or internship location.
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Report
Any coeducational postsecondary institution that participates in the Federal student financial assistance programs and has an intercollegiate athletic program is required by section 485(g) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1092(g) (also known as the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act or EADA) to prepare a report containing information regarding intercollegiate athletics. The EADA Report discloses athletic program participation rates and financial support data for a 12-month period and should be made available to students, prospective students and the public. The report is available upon request from the Department of Athletics (
Voter Registration
For information regarding voter registration, please visit To register to vote in Kansas, change your name or your address on your registration, affiliate with a political party or change your party affiliation, please fill out the online voter registration application.
If you are studying abroad and need absentee ballot information, please visit
If you have moved or changed your name since the last election, you must reregister. You need to put your current campus address on the form, e.g., Irwin Hall, Room 123, P.O. Box 65, Baldwin City, KS 66006. Student may register in the county of the school that they are attending full time.
Registration forms are also available at the following locations:
- Baldwin City Hall, 803 8th Street, Baldwin City, 785.594.6427
- Baldwin Post Office, 702 High Street, Baldwin City, 785.594.6561
Completed forms may be mailed or returned to the Douglas County Courthouse, 1100 Massachusetts, Lawrence, KS 66044. Forms must be received in the election office by the 15th day before an election in order to be eligible to be registered in that election.