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May 23, 2018 | Awards, News

Business professor honored for excellence in teaching

Lowell Jacobsen, PhD, Rhodes Professor of International Business

Each year Baker University honors exemplary faculty with the Jennie Howell Kopke and Verda R. Kopke Award for Distinguished Teaching. During the May 20 Commencement ceremony, Dr. Lowell Jacobsen was named the 2018 recipient.

The award recognizes members of the faculty who demonstrate excellence in teaching and in transforming students into scholars worthy of the highest honors. Recipients of the Kopke Award also receive a $5,000 cash award.

Dr. Jacobsen, the Elizabeth H. Rhodes Professor of International Business, joined the faculty in the Department of Business and Economics in 1998. He earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Edinburgh, an M.I.M. from Thunderbird School of Global Management, and a B.A. in Finance and Political Economy from Buena Vista University.

Jacobsen has taught as a visiting professor at universities around the world, from Hong Kong to Nottingham, England. He participated in seminars with scholars, government officials, and businessmen in Poland and Slovakia as a Fulbright Fellow in 2002. He has coauthored two critically acclaimed academic books, Profiles in Small Business: A Competitive Strategy Approach and The Small Entrepreneurial Firm, along with several academic papers.

The Kopke award was established in 1998 by Charles Kopke, a longtime supporter of Baker who passed away last fall. It is named in honor of his mother, Jennie Howell Kopke, a 1921 Baker graduate, and his wife, Verda.


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