Jun 8, 2018 | Business, News
Business professor receives 2018 ASBSP Teaching Excellence Award
Dr. Alan Grant, professor of business and economics, has been named a regional recipient of the 2018 ACBSP Teaching Excellence Award. The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) recognizes individuals each year who exemplify teaching excellence in the classroom.
Grant will be honored, along with other regional recipients, at the ACBSP Conference 2018, June 8-11 in Kansas City, Missouri. Two International Teaching Excellence Award recipients will be announced at a special Salute to Regions luncheon, one from an institution that grants baccalaureate and graduate degrees and one from an institution that grants associate degrees. As a regional recipient, Grant is now a candidate for the international award.
“There are so many amazing business faculty here at Baker and at the other programs in the region; it’s a real honor to have been selected,” Grant said.
The ACBSP Associate Degree Commission established the International Teaching Excellence Award in 1995 to recognize outstanding classroom teachers. In 2002, the Baccalaureate Degree Commission created a similar award to recognize excellence in teaching at the baccalaureate- and graduate-degree level. ACBSP is the only specialized body for business schools that presents an award recognizing excellence in teaching, open to application by the entire membership.
“It is more important than ever for business programs to produce graduates who are ready to enter the global marketplace,” said Jeffrey Alderman, ACBSP president and CEO. “ACBSP has a mission to develop, promote and recognize best practices that contribute to continuous improvement of business education. Recognition of teaching excellence is one way we achieve this goal,” he said.
The majors of accounting, business, and international business offered at Baker University’s College of Arts and Sciences are fully accredited at the national level by the ACBSP.