Two male students discussing class assignment together

Biomedical Engineering

head shot

Dr. Jamin Perry

Director of Pre-engineering

Boyd Science Center 301

Design and build the next generation of health care solutions.

Gain the knowledge to advance the biomedical device field and create innovative solutions through research and product development that improve healthcare outcomes and quality of life.

Our dual-degree program with the University of North Dakota (UND) allows you to complete a physics or chemistry degree at Baker while also earning an ABET-certified engineering degree from the UND while in residence at Baker.

Exercise science students examining chest on digital cadaver table

What can you do with a biomedical engineering degree?

Biomedical engineers create next generation medical devices by bridging the gap between engineering and medicine. Your work could include the following:

  • Developing artificial organs
  • Creating systems to monitor vital signs
  • Using innovative devices to assist in surgeries
  • Simulating procedures using virtual reality

Biomedical Engineering Degree Jobs

Here are some of the job titles for someone with a biomedical engineering degree:

  • Biomedical engineer
  • Clinical engineer
  • Bioinstrumentation engineer
  • Rehabilitation engineer
  • Medical imaging engineer
  • Orthopedic bioengineer
  • Cellular, tissue, and genetic engineer
  • Biomechanics engineer
  • Clinical researcher

Sample Dual-Degree Plan

This dual-degree program is designed to be completed in five years. Take a look at a sample five-year plan.

Chemistry + Biomedical Engineering

students in classroom