May 9, 2019 | News
Baker Orange wins 14 regional awards
The Baker Orange newspaper staff attended the 2019 Kansas Collegiate Media Conference in Wichita last month and received 14 awards for their work over the school year.
“I am so incredibly proud of our mass media students on the Baker Orange staff,” said Dr. Joe Watson, professor of mass media. “Our campus newspaper has a consistent history of winning big awards, but it’s still always a thrill when their work is rewarded.”
Although the newspaper staff is used to winning regional and national awards, this year’s recognition holds extra meaning for the students and faculty.
“This year’s awards are particularly satisfying because it’s the last year of print production for the newspaper,” Watson said. “Starting next year, we’re shifting our newspaper and television resources into a revamped Baker Orange Online website. I’m confident our program will continue to set the standard for quality journalism at a small private university while also firmly planting our mass media curriculum in the digital demands of the 21st century.”
The following awards were announced at the conference:
First place in editorial writing: Baker Orange editorial staff
First place in front-page design: Maria Echeverry
First place in news and event photography: Jenna Black
First place in page design: Maria Echeverry
First place in sports and action photography: Justin Toumberlin
Second place in feature writing: Lily Stephens
Second place in column writing: Sarah Day
Second place in news and event photography: Lexi Loya
Second place in page design: Jenna Black
Third place in feature writing: Jenna Black
Third place in column writing: Jamie Pellikaan
Third place in page design: Maria Echeverry
Honorable mention in news and event photography: Elizabeth Hanson
Bronze medal in the overall newspaper division