Exercise science students doing morning yoga in Hartley plaza

School of Education | Undergraduate Programs

Physical Education & Health


Renee Linder

Department Assistant, Data Manager & School of Education Licensure Officer

What is physical education and health?


At their core, physical education and health are the principles of understanding and promoting physical literacy. Physical education focuses on studying human movement, and the role sports and physical activity have on the quality of life and the community.

A deep dive into health and fitness can help promote body positivity, improve students’ self-esteem, and create an uplifting school curriculum.

Why study physical education and health at Baker University?

As a physical education and health major at Baker University, you will have the opportunity for real-world experiences built on the foundation of theory and teaching principles that promote physical literacy. The blend of theory and classroom practices will give you tools to teach health concepts to school-aged learners. Baker University’s small classes offer personal attention from faculty and encourage robust discussions with classmates. All with ample time to assist and observe local teachers in the classroom.

Colleges of Distinction 2024-2025 education badge
Two students working on a classroom study with a treadmill

What can you do with a physical education degree?

Imagine making a positive impact on young people and your community by encouraging them to make healthy decisions. Not only will you earn a teaching degree and be workforce ready, but you will also have the option to apply for graduate school to become an administrator. Either way, you can contribute to a body-positive generation of new learners. As a PE teacher, you’ll use critical thinking skills to emphasize the importance of mental and physical health. Equally important, you’ll create inclusive learning environments that set healthy examples for the mind and body.

Physical Education and Health Scholarships

The Department of Education gives these awards with financial prizes to be applied to the following year’s tuition:

  • Mildred Hunt Riddle Departmental Recognition Scholarship for Education
  • Mildred Hunt Riddle Departmental Recognition Scholarship for Health and Physical Education
  • Carol Lee Miller and Carla Miller Reynolds Scholarship
  • E. Vincent “Doc” Reichley Scholarship
  • Helen Bauer Endowed Scholarship
  • Rose Lister Goertz Scholarship
  • Clara Louise Johanning-Dufrene Scholarship
  • Dan and Peggy Harris Scholarship
Exercise science student using hand weight tool

Physical Education & Health Course Descriptions

Meet the Faculty


Dr. Regan Dodd

Assistant Professor of Physical Education

B.S. Northwest Missouri State University, M.S. Northwest Missouri State University, M.B.A. Baker University, Ph.D. University of Kansas

Expertise: health and physical education

Office: Case 201