CH 105 – Problems Seminar for Chemistry 1 hr.
This course is an optional, supplemental course for 100- and 200-level chemistry courses. The objective of the course is to help chemistry students learn course material and succeed in chemistry. CH 105 uses lectures, practice problems, and interactive problem-solving sessions to support student learning. This course is repeatable for up to 4 credit hours. Corequisite: Enrollment in any chemistry course below the 300 level P/NC
CH 110 – Introduction to Rocketry 3 hrs.
This course is a descriptive, conceptual one-semester course in the physical sciences for the non-science major. Course content is designed to provide the student an introduction to the disciplines of physics and chemistry through the historical and societal context of rocketry.
CH 111 – Fundamentals of Forensic Science 3 hrs.
This course is an introduction to the complex world of forensic science for the non-science major. Topics include the use of science in criminal investigations and judicial proceedings, and discussion of contemporary societal issues in the application of forensic science. Students will gain a functional understanding the techniques used in crime scene investigations including the analysis of physical evidence such as fingerprints, hair, DNA, biometrics, and more.
CH 120 – Basic Chemistry 3 hrs.
This course is an introduction to the basic principles of chemistry. Topics include the structure and nature of atoms; chemical reactions and stoichiometry; gases; solutions; acids, bases, and salts; oxidation and reduction reactions; and nuclear chemistry. Prerequisite or corequisite: Math Proficiency Phase II.
CH 121 – Basic Chemistry Laboratory 1 hr.
This course is an optional laboratory for CH 120. It is designed for students who require a one-semester introductory laboratory course and is a required course for prenursing students. Prerequisite or corequisite: CH 120.
CH 137 – General Chemistry I 3 hrs.
This course is an introduction to the principles and applications of inorganic chemistry. Topics include the structure of atoms and molecules; chemical stoichiometry; aqueous chemistry; atomic spectra, chemical bonding, and molecular structure; periodic properties; properties of gases, liquids, and solutions; and elementary thermodynamics. Prerequisite: Math Proficiency, Phase I.
CH 137L – General Chemistry I Laboratory 1 hr.
This course is the laboratory component of CH 137. Prerequisite: Math Proficiency, Phase I. Corequisite: CH 137
CH 138 – General Chemistry II 3 hrs.
This course is a continuation and expansion of the material in CH 137. Topics include kinetics, equilibrium and the thermodynamics of spontaneity, and an introduction to elementary organic chemistry. Prerequisite: CH 137 and CH 137L. Co-requisite: CH 138L or permission of the instructor.
CH 138L General Chemistry II Lab 1 hr.
This course is the laboratory component of CH 138. Co-requisite: CH 138 or permission of the instructor.
CH 205 – Introduction to Organic Chemistry I 3 hrs.
This course is a one-semester introduction to organic chemistry designed to be taken after the successful completion of AP chemistry. Topics include structure and bonding, reaction mechanisms, stereochemistry, and chemical reactivity. Many of the major classes of organic compounds will be covered including but not limited to alkanes, alkenes, alkyl halides, and alcohols. Students who are successful in this course are well prepared for more advanced organic chemistry classes taken in college. Prerequisites: Successful completion of AP Chemistry. Enrollment is limited to students in concurrent credit programs.
CH 251 – Organic Chemistry I 3 hrs.
This course is an introduction to the study of the structure and reactivity of organic compounds. Topics include bonding, resonance, acid-base theory, spectroscopy, stereochemistry, nomenclature, and named reactions. Prerequisites: CH 138 and 138L. Co-requisite: CH 251L or permission of the instructor
CH 251L – Organic Chemistry I Lab 1 hr.
This course is the laboratory component of CH 251. Lab exercises will focus on topics related to the material covered in CH 251 and includes basic techniques, reactions, chromatography, and spectroscopy. Prerequisites: CH 138 and 138L. Co-requisite: CH 251 or permission of the instructor.
CH 252 – Organic Chemistry II 3 hrs.
This course is a continuation of CH 251. Topics include functional groups and reaction mechanisms. Prerequisite: CH 251 and CH 251L. Corequisite: CH 252L or permission of the instructor.
CH 252L – Organic Chemistry II Lab 1 hr.
This course is the laboratory component of CH 252. Lab exercises will focus on topics related to the material covered in CH 252 and builds on the topics and techniques introduced in CH 251L. Prerequisite: CH 251 and CH 251L. Corequisite: CH 252 or permission of the instructor.
CH 305 – Chemical Triumphs and Disasters 3 hrs.
This class is an overview of the applied ethics encountered in the practice of chemistry. This class starts with an introduction of ethical theories and concludes with case studies involving chemical disasters. Students will learn about the importance of ethical thought in the application of chemistry and the importance of codes of conduct and regulatory oversight. Prerequisite: BC 120.
CH 340 – Analytical Chemical Methods 3 hrs.
This course is an introduction to the standard methods of chemical analysis. The concepts of stoichiometry and equilibrium are emphasized along with the use of statistical analysis and computer software in evaluating data. Complementary laboratory experiments will provide practice in standard analytical chemistry procedures and techniques. Prerequisite: CH 252 and CH 252L.
CH 341 – Instrumental Methods of Analysis 4 hrs.
The theory and practice of physicochemical and instrumental methods of analysis are presented. Areas covered are spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, chromatography, electroanalytical methods, and areas of current interest. The course consists of three lectures and one laboratory session per week. Prerequisite: CH 252 and CH 252L
CH 361 – Physical Chemistry I 3 hrs.
This course introduces the basic principles of physical chemistry. Topics covered in this course include thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum mechanics, and spectroscopy. Prerequisites: PC 126 or PC 226; and MA 172; and CH 252 and CH 252L. Corequisite: CH 361L is strongly encouraged.
CH 361L – Physical Chemistry I Lab 1 hr.
Lab exercises will focus on topics related to the material covered in CH 361. Corequisite: CH 361 or permission of the instructor.
CH 362 – Physical Chemistry II 3 hrs.
This course expands on the topics outlined in CH 361 and covers statistical thermodynamics, additional topics of spectroscopy, kinetics, and transport phenomena. Prerequisite: CH 361 and 361L. Corequisite: CH 362L is strongly encouraged.
CH 362L – Physical Chemistry II Lab 1 hr.
Lab exercises will focus on topics related to the material covered in CH 362. Prerequisites: CH 361 or permission of instructor. Corequisite: CH 362 or permission of instructor.
CH 370 – Biochemistry 3 hrs.
This course is an introduction to the chemistry of biological compounds and their structure and reactions in living organisms. Topics include structures of amino acids, proteins, and enzymes; mechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; the structure and role of carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids; metabolic pathways; and the biosynthesis of proteins. Prerequisite: CH 252 and CH 252L.
CH 381, 382 – Laboratory Teaching in Chemistry 1 hr.
This course provides practical experience in laboratory instruction. Students assist in teaching a laboratory section of a lower-level chemistry course. Students wishing to be certified to teach chemistry must complete at least one credit hour; the course is also recommended for students intending to go on to graduate school. These courses may be taken for a maximum of 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
CH 397, 398 – Chemical Research 1-3 hrs.
Qualified junior and senior students work closely with a faculty member in the program on a problem of current interest. The course is offered by individual arrangement, and the student must discuss the project with the appropriate faculty member well in advance of pre-registration. Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
CH 470 – Advanced Topics in Biochemistry 3 hrs.
This course is a continuation of the topics introduced in CH 370, including structure and function of biological compounds, kinetics, enzyme mechanisms, metabolism, and information storage. Prerequisite: CH 370.
CH 470L – Advanced Topics in Biochemistry Lab 1 hr.
This course is the laboratory component of CH 470. Prerequisite: CH 370.
CH 475 – Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1-3 hrs.
This course offers an advanced examination of selected topics in chemistry. Courses of the same number but different topics may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: CH 252 and CH 252L or permission of the instructor.
CH 491 – Chemistry Seminar 2 hrs.
This course is a survey of the chemical literature in which extensive use will be made of chemical abstracts and current journals. The student must select a topic of interest, research the literature, and present a paper. Prerequisite: Senior status.
CH 497, 498 – Chemical Research 1-3 hrs.
Qualified junior and senior students work closely with a faculty member in the program on a problem of current interest. The course is offered by individual arrangement, and the student must discuss the project with the appropriate faculty member well in advance of pre-registration. Prerequisites: CH 252 and permission of the instructor.