Students looking at books in a classroom


All About Your First-Semester Schedule

Faculty at Baker University create your first-semester schedule on your behalf based the interests you identified on the orientation registration form.

Get to know all the possible components of your schedule!


BC110:First-year, nontransfer students are enrolled in a BC110 section that focuses on college-level writing and critical inquiry. You are placed in a course based on the preferences you selected on the orientation registration form.

BK101 or BK201:Every new student is enrolled in a required orientation course, either BK101 (first-year freshmen) or BK201 (transfers). In this course, you will learn all about being a student at Baker University from a faculty member and a peer mentor.

MA090 & EN100:If you have not met the math or written communication proficiencies, you will be placed in MA090 or EN100, respectively. Proficiency may also be met by transferring credits from another institution, submitting adequate test scores, or taking a placement exam.



Baker Core

Some students will be enrolled in other courses that can be applied to the Baker Core. You will learn more about these general education requirements in your BK and BC courses.

Majors & Interests

Courses from the majors or interest areas you selected on the registration form will be on your schedule. You may have multiple areas of interest.

Athletics & Scholarship Courses

If you are a member of an athletic team that is in season, you will be enrolled in that sport’s course. Similarly, you will be placed in courses for areas that you receive scholarships for, such as mass media and music.



Do you have questions about your schedule? Do you need to make changes?

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