Oct 26, 2018 | News, SPGS
ACUE partnership: One year later

Baker University’s School of Professional and Graduate Studies continues its partnership with the Association of College and University Educators, or ACUE, to provide faculty with the tools and resources to implement effective teaching practices.
On November 2, several Baker faculty members will be recognized at a pinning ceremony for earning their Certificate in Effective Instruction, coendorsed by ACUE and the American Council on Education.
To earn a certificate, faculty members completed an evidence-based, 25-module course that required them to learn about and implement new teaching practices in their courses and reflect on the experience. ACUE’s courses cover a wide range of subjects, including how to design an effective course, establish a productive learning environment, use active learning techniques, and promote higher-order thinking.
The partnership first began in August 2017. Instructor Stephanie Jennings, who received her certification in August 2018, said she continues to use what she learned in the courses every day.
“A concept map is something I began utilizing in the online marketing courses I teach,” she said. “Flowcharts and visual metaphors especially helped students connect the information. Not only did it help students understand the concepts of marketing, it was useful in the orientation courses I teach as well, so they could map out their own goals for the program. They were able to use the ideas of critical, creative thinking and connect it to their own lives and personal experiences.”
To date, 32 faculty members at the School of Professional and Graduate Studies have earned their Certificate in Effective Instruction. For Senior Enrollment Recruiter Heidi Shelton, who teaches Introduction to Business Education, the program has allowed her feel prepared to help her students engage in their studies.
“For a novice instructor like myself, ACUE modules have provided me with tried and true examples of how to conduct an effective classroom,” she said. “I now have more tools at my disposal to help my students be successful.”
Dr. Emily Ford, interim dean of the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, said Baker’s partnership with ACUE has been critical to driving student success.
“By immediately implementing ACUE’s research-based teaching strategies, faculty continue to utilize various approaches to teaching with a greater focus on engaging their students while building connections between concepts discussed and application to industry,” Ford said. “We could not be more proud of our faculty and their commitment to ensuring students succeed in the classroom and in their careers.”